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  • Writer's picturePrerna K

Use Product Photography to Showcase Your Brand Identity & Values - The Pen Tool Design Guide

Learn how to achieve stunning and effective product images for your eCommerce business that reflect your brand identity and values. Discover tips and best practices on colors, lighting, backgrounds, props, accessories, models, angles, perspectives, compositions, and editing.

Product photography is the art and science of creating attractive and compelling images of your products that showcase their features, benefits, and quality. It is one of the most important aspects of eCommerce marketing, as it can influence the buying decisions and perceptions of your potential customers.

According to a study by Shopify, 93% of online shoppers consider visual appearance to be the key factor in making a purchase decision. Moreover, product images can also affect your SEO ranking, conversion rate, and customer satisfaction.

But product photography is not just about making your products look good. It is also about making your brand look good. Your product images are an extension of your brand identity and values, and they can communicate who you are, what you stand for, and how you are different from others.

In this blog post, we will show you how to use product photography to showcase your brand identity and values and create a lasting impression on your audience. We will cover topics such as choosing the right colors, lighting, and backgrounds, using props, accessories, and models, creating unique and distinctive angles, perspectives, and compositions, and editing your product images to enhance their quality and appeal. By following these tips and best practices, you will be able to create product images that not only sell your products but also tell your brand story.

How to choose the right colors, lighting, and backgrounds for your product images.

One of the first things you need to consider when planning your product photography is the color scheme, lighting, and background of your product images. These elements can have a significant impact on the mood, tone, and style of your product images and how they reflect your brand identity and values.


Colors are powerful tools to convey emotions, feelings, and messages. They can also create contrast, harmony, and balance in your product images. Therefore, you need to choose colors that match your brand personality and mood and that complement your products.

For example, if your brand is fun, playful, and energetic, you might want to use bright and vibrant colors that catch the eye and create excitement. If your brand is elegant, sophisticated, and luxurious, you might want to use dark and rich colors that create a sense of exclusivity and quality. If your brand is natural, organic, and eco-friendly, you might want to use earthy and neutral colors that create a sense of calmness and harmony.

You can also use colors to create associations and connections with your target audience. For example, if you are selling products for women, you might want to use colors that are traditionally feminine, such as pink, purple, or red. If you are selling products for men, you might want to use colors that are traditionally masculine, such as blue, black, or gray. If you are selling products for children, you might want to use colors that are bright, cheerful, and playful, such as yellow, green, or orange.

You can also use colors to highlight the features or benefits of your products. For example, if you are selling products that are fresh, healthy, or organic, you might want to use green or white colors that suggest cleanliness and purity. If you are selling products that are spicy, hot, or exotic, you might want to use red or orange colors that suggest warmth and intensity. If you are selling products that are cool, refreshing, or soothing, you might want to use blue or purple colors that suggest calmness and relaxation.


Lighting is another important element to consider when creating your product images. Lighting can affect the brightness, contrast, shadows, highlights, and colors of your product images and how they showcase your products and brand.

There are two main types of lighting: natural and artificial. Natural lighting is the light that comes from the sun or other natural sources. Artificial lighting is the light that comes from lamps or other artificial sources.

Natural lighting is usually preferred for product photography because it is more realistic, soft, and flattering. It can also create a natural and authentic feel for your product images and brand. However, natural lighting can also be unpredictable,

inconsistent, and needs certain levels of expertise to control it. It can change depending on time of the day, the weather or season.

Therefore, you need to plan ahead and choose the best time and location for your product photography when using natural lighting.

Artificial lighting is usually more reliable, consistent, and easy to control. It can also create a more dramatic, creative, and professional feel for your product images and brand.However, artificial lighting can also be more expensive, complex, and challenging to set up and use. It can also create harsh shadows, glare, or reflections that can affect the quality and appeal of your product images. Therefore, you need to learn how to use different types of artificial lights, such as flash, studio lights, or LED lights, and how to adjust their intensity, direction, and color temperature to achieve the best results for your product photography.


Backgrounds are the surfaces or scenes that appear behind your products in your product images. They can also affect the focus, clarity, and context of your product images and how they represent your products and brand. There are two main types of backgrounds: plain and textured.

Plain backgrounds are solid-colored surfaces that create a simple and clean look for your product images. They can also make your products stand out more and draw attention to their details.

Textured backgrounds are surfaces with patterns, shapes, or textures that create a more interesting and dynamic look for your product images. They can also add depth, dimension, and meaning to your product images. You need to choose backgrounds that match your brand identity and values and that complement your products.

For example, if your brand is minimalist, modern, and sleek, you might want to use plain backgrounds with neutral colors, such as white, black, or gray.

How to use props, accessories, and models to add context and meaning to your product images.

Another thing you need to consider when planning your product photography is the use of props, accessories, and models in your product images. These elements can help you add context and meaning to your product images and show how your products can be used, enjoyed, or benefited from. They can also help you convey your brand message and story and connect with your target audience.


Props are objects or items that are used to enhance or decorate your product images. They can help you create a scene or a setting that relates to your products or brand. For example, if you are selling coffee products, you might want to use props such as a coffee mug, a spoon, a book, or a newspaper to create a cozy and relaxing atmosphere. If you are selling jewelry products, you might want to use props such as a jewelry box, a mirror, a flower, or a candle to create a romantic and elegant mood.

You need to choose props that are relevant, appropriate, and appealing for your product images. You also need to make sure that they do not distract or overshadow your products. You can use props to create contrast, harmony, or balance in your product images. For example, you can use props that have different colors, shapes, or sizes from your products to create contrast and draw attention to your products. You can also use props that have similar colors, shapes, or sizes from your products to create harmony and consistency in your product images. You can also use props that have different heights, angles, or positions from your products to create balance and symmetry in your product images.


Accessories are objects or items that are used to complement or complete your products. They can help you show how your products can be combined, matched, or paired with other products or items. For example, if you are selling clothing products, you might want to use accessories such as shoes, bags, hats, or sunglasses to show how your products can be styled or worn. If you are selling food products, you might want to use accessories such as plates, cutlery, napkins, or glasses to show how your products can be served or eaten.

You need to choose accessories that are suitable, attractive, and functional for your product images. You also need to make sure that they do not compete or clash with your products. You can use accessories to create variety, interest, or value in your product images. For example, you can use accessories that have different colors, patterns, or textures from your products to create variety and diversity in your product images. You can also use accessories that have similar colors, patterns, or textures from your products to create interest and cohesion in your product images. You can also use accessories that have different prices, qualities, or features from your products to create value and appeal in your product images.


Models are people who are used to display or demonstrate your products. They can help you show how your products look like on real people and how they fit, feel, or function. They can also help you show the emotions, feelings, or experiences that your products can evoke or provide. For example, if you are selling beauty products, you might want to use models who have different skin tones, hair types, or facial features to show how your products work on different people and how they enhance their beauty. If you are selling travel products, you might want to use models who have different expressions, poses, or gestures to show how your products make them happy, excited, or relaxed.

You need to choose models who are relevant, appropriate, and appealing for your product images. You also need to make sure that they do not distract or overshadow your products. You can use models to create connection, trust, or aspiration in your product images. For example, you can use models who have similar demographics, lifestyles, or preferences as your target audience to create connection and relatability in your product images. You can also use models who have positive testimonials,

reviews, or endorsements of your products to create trust and credibility in your product images. You can also use models who have desirable attributes, achievements, or lifestyles that are related to your products to create aspiration and motivation in your product images.

How to use angles, perspectives, and compositions to create a unique and distinctive visual style for your product images

Another thing you need to consider when planning your product photography is the use of angles, perspectives, and compositions in your product images. These elements can help you create a unique and distinctive visual style for your product images and show your products from different viewpoints and dimensions. They can also help you highlight the features, benefits, or quality of your products and make them more appealing and attractive.


Angles are the positions or directions from which you take your product photos. They can help you show different sides, edges, or details of your products and create a sense of depth, movement, or perspective in your product images. For example, if you are selling a book product, you might want to use angles such as front, back, side, top, bottom, or diagonal to show the cover, spine, pages, or corners of the book. If you are selling a watch product, you might want to use angles such as face-on, side-on, close-up, or tilted to show the dial, strap, clasp, or hands of the watch.

You need to choose angles that are suitable, interesting, and flattering for your product images. You also need to make sure that they do not distort or obscure your products. You can use angles to create contrast, emphasis, or balance in your product images. For example, you can use angles that are different from the usual or expected to create contrast and curiosity in your product images. You can also use angles that are focused on the most important or attractive part of your products to create emphasis and attention in your product images. You can also use angles that are symmetrical or asymmetrical to create balance and harmony or imbalance and tension in your product images.


Perspectives are the points of view or positions from which you take your product photos. They can help you show how your products look like from different distances or heights and create a sense of scale, proportion, or relation in your product images. For example, if you are selling a furniture product, you might want to use perspectives such as eye-level, bird's-eye, or worm's-eye to show how the furniture looks like from the same level, above, or below.

If you are selling a toy product, you might want to use perspectives such as close-up, medium-shot, or long-shot to show how the toy looks like from near, far, or very far.

You need to choose perspectives that are relevant, appropriate, and appealing for your product images. You also need to make sure that they do not make your products look too small, too big, or too far. You can use perspectives to create realism, drama, or emotion in your product images. For example, you can use perspectives that are realistic and natural to create realism and authenticity in your product images. You can also use perspectives that are dramatic and unusual to create drama and impact in your product images. Use perspectives that are emotional and personal to create emotion and connection in your product images.


Compositions are the arrangements or layouts of your products and other elements in your product images. They can help you organize,


and balance your product images and create a sense of order, rhythm, or harmony in your product images. For example, if you are selling multiple products in one image, you might want to use compositions such as grid, cluster, or pyramid to arrange them in a neat, grouped, or hierarchical way.

If you are selling one product in one image,

you might want to use compositions such as rule of thirds, golden ratio, or negative space to place it in a strategic, aesthetic, or minimalist way.

Choose compositions that are suitable, attractive, and functional for your product images. Make sure that they do not make your products look too crowded, too sparse, or too off-center. Use compositions to create variety, interest, or value in your product images. For example, you can use compositions that are varied and diverse to create variety and diversity in your product images. You can also use compositions that are interesting and creative to create interest and creativity in your product images.

How to use editing tools and techniques to enhance the quality and appeal of your product images

Another thing you need to consider when planning your product photography is the use of editing tools and techniques to enhance the quality and appeal of your product images. Editing can help you correct, improve, or modify your product images and make them more professional, attractive, and consistent. For example, you can use editing tools and techniques to adjust the brightness, contrast, color, sharpness, or size of your product images. You can also use editing tools and techniques to remove the background, add text or graphics, or apply filters or effects to your product images.

You need to choose editing tools and techniques that are suitable, effective, and ethical for your product images. You also need to make sure that they do not alter or misrepresent your products.


In conclusion, product photography is a powerful and essential tool for eCommerce businesses to showcase their brand identity and values and create a lasting impression on their audience. By following the tips and best practices we have covered in this blog post, you will be able to create product images that not only sell your products but also tell your brand story.

However, we understand that product photography can be challenging, time-consuming, and expensive to do on your own. That's why we are here to help you!

We are The Pen Tool Design Inc., a design and photography agency based in India, Delhi that specializes in creating stunning and effective product images for eCommerce businesses. We offer a range of services to help you enhance your product photographs and boost your sales, such as:

- Product photography: We can take professional and high-quality photos of your products using the best equipment, techniques, and styles.

- Product editing: We can edit your product photos using the latest software and tools to improve their quality, appeal, and consistency.

- Product styling: We can style your products using the best props, accessories, and models to add context, meaning, and emotion to your product photos.

- Product branding: We can brand your products using the best colors, lighting, and backgrounds to reflect your brand identity and values.

If you are interested in working with us or want to learn more about our services, please visit our website or contact us at +91 9958592500. We would love to hear from you and help you take your e-commerce business to the next level.

Thank you for reading this blog post and we hope you found it useful and informative.

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